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As of September 30, 2016, the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies program at MIT has closed. The website is being kept online as a reference but will not be updated.

TAME Fact Sheet: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Project

Company/Alliance: Mid West Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP), Battelle, The Andersons and Marathon Petroleum

Location: TAME ethanol plant, Greenville, Ohio, USA

Start Date: Plant start-up (2008); CO2 injection (2011)

Size: Ethanol plant designed to produce 110 million gallons of ethanol per year (0.28 Mt/yr)

CO2 Source: Ethanol production facility: Greenville, Ohio

Storage: Mount Simon Sandstone (Saline reservoir)


Total project cost $92,846,271 (DOE share $61,096,271)


The Mount Simon Sandstone is a massive regional sandstone which has the potential to store more than 100 years of CO2 emissions from major point sources in the region.

There is an optional site for the source of CO2: an IGCC power plant to be located near Edwardsport, Indiana. This 640 MW power plant is currently being developed by Duke Energy, and scheduled for start-up in 2011 with CO2 capture of 0.5 MT/Yr to start as soon as 2012.

Project Link: MRCSP website

Other Sources and Press Releases:
Seismic survey plan for TAME [PDF] (April 2009)
Factsheet for field validation test [PDF] (September 2008)
DOE awards press release (May 2008)
Battelle press release (May 2008)
MRCSP presentation at DOE annual meeting (December 2007)