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CO2 Thermophysical Property Calculator

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Thermal Conductivity:   W/m-K
Thermal Expansion:   K-1
Enthalpy (H):
Compressibility Factor:  

1. The calculator currently supports only Internet Explorer browser.

2. If you saw the information bar "To help protect you security,..." on the top, please click the information bar and then click "Allow Blocked Content...". It will pop up a Security Warning dialog window, please make sure to click 'Yes' to enable the VB script.

3. Sometimes when the input temperature and pressure are too close to the critical phase transition values, the program may fail to calculate the property values due to numerical problems in calculation. You can adjust slightly either the input temperature or pressure to avoid these numerical failure problems.

4. The calculation results were checked to be consistent to the NIST Chemistry WebBook. The reference state for Enthalpy is 273.16 K for saturated liquid, the same as NIST.

The VB script for the calculator is converted from the FORTRAN code originally developed by Victor Malkovsky of the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

We received the FORTRAN code from Karsten Pruess of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Altunin V.V. Thermophysical properties of carbon dioxide. - Moscow: Publishing House of Standards. 1975.(in Russian).